WAMC Labs Directory Map

├── FinancialAlgebraLabs
│   ├── 1. Discretionary Expenses
│   │   ├── Discretionary Spending.pdf
│   │   └── Travel Expenses.pdf
│   ├── 2. Banking Services
│   │   ├── 3-3 Lab Getting Rich with Time.pdf
│   │   ├── 3-3 Lab Student Worksheet.pdf
│   │   ├── 3-3 Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── 3-3 LPW The Million $ Mission.pdf
│   │   ├── 3-3 Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── Automate Your Checking Register Project.pdf
│   │   ├── Ch2_1_Checking Accounts_Lesson_Plan_Navigate_Your_Online_Account.pdf
│   │   ├── Ch 2.1 Checking Accounts.pdf
│   │   ├── Chapter 3 Section 3_2 Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── Check Books.pdf
│   │   ├── Checking Account -Jelly Bean Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Checking Accounts Crossword Puzzle.pdf
│   │   ├── Checking Account Simulation.pdf
│   │   ├── Checking Accounts - Keeping Records.pdf
│   │   ├── Checking Accounts with Vocab.pdf
│   │   ├── Checking_Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Compounding Interest Formula Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Compounding Interest Formula Lab with Discussions.pdf
│   │   ├── Compounding Interest.pdf
│   │   ├── Compound Interest and Exponents.pdf
│   │   ├── Compound Interest Formula Lesson and Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Compound Interest Formula.pdf
│   │   ├── Continuous Compounding.pdf
│   │   ├── Exploring Compound Interest Lesson and Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 3-3 Savings Accounts Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 3-3 Savings Accounts Questions Answered .pdf
│   │   ├── FA 3-3 Savings Accounts Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 3.5.2 Compound Interest Formula Quiz 2.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 3.5 and 3.6 Web Sites.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 3.5 Compound Interest Formula Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 3.5 Compound Interest Formula Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 3.5 Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 3.6 Continuous Compounding Lesson Plan and Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── Financial Algebra Lesson Plan 3.3.pdf
│   │   ├── Financial Algebra Lesson Plan 3.4.pdf
│   │   ├── Future Value Extension Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Future Value Extension.pdf
│   │   ├── Future Value Lab with Spreadsheet.pdf
│   │   ├── Future Value of Investments Lab and Quizzes.pdf
│   │   ├── Future Value of Periodic Deposit Investment.pdf
│   │   ├── Future Value.pdf
│   │   ├── How Checking Accounts Work.pdf
│   │   ├── I’m Gonna Be Rich!.pdf
│   │   ├── Interpreting Functions, FI-F8b.pdf
│   │   ├── Introduction to Bank Accounts - Lesson and Quizzes.pdf
│   │   ├── L3.3 Manipulating the Simple Interest Formula.pdf
│   │   ├── L3.3 Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── L3.3 Time Machine.pdf
│   │   ├── L3.4 Daily Compunding.pdf
│   │   ├── L3.4 Intro to compounding.pdf
│   │   ├── L3.4 Lab Economic time Machine.pdf
│   │   ├── L3.4 Simple vs Compund Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── Monopoly Regression.pdf
│   │   ├── Present Value of Investments Lesson and worksheets.pdf
│   │   ├── Present Value of Investments.pdf
│   │   ├── Quiz - 2-1.pdf
│   │   ├── Quiz - 2-2.pdf
│   │   ├── Reconcile a Bank Statement Lesson and Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── Reconcile a Bank Statement - Monopoly.pdf
│   │   ├── Reconcile a Bank Statement.pdf
│   │   ├── Savings Account Lesson and Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── Savings Accounts.pdf
│   │   ├── Simple Interest Lab.pdf
│   │   └── Vocabulary Quiz - 3.3 & 3.4.pdf
│   ├── 3. Consumer Credit
│   │   ├── 4-6 lesson plan.pdf
│   │   ├── Average Daily Balance.pdf
│   │   ├── Consumer Credit.pdf
│   │   ├── Credit Card Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Credit Cards Lab and Lesson.pdf
│   │   ├── Credit Cards.pdf
│   │   ├── Credit Card Statement Lessons.pdf
│   │   ├── Credit Card Statement.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 4-3 Bell Assignment.pdf
│   │   ├── F A 4 3 Loan Calculations and Regression Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 4-3 Loan Calculations and Regression Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 4-3 Loan Calculations and Regression Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 4 3 Monthly Payment Formula Research.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 4 3 Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 4.5 Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 4-6 Average Daily Balance Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 4-6 Average Daily Balance. quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 4-6 Sample Credit Card Statement.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 4-6 Steps to Determine Monthly Daily Average.pdf
│   │   ├── FA Chapter 4 Group Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── FA Chapter 4 Group Lab Student Handout.pdf
│   │   ├── FA Chapter 4 Lab Answers.pdf
│   │   ├── Going to College.pdf
│   │   ├── Intro to Average Daily Balance.pdf
│   │   ├── Intro to Consumer Credit Lab and Lesson.pdf
│   │   ├── Intro to Consumer Credit.pdf
│   │   ├── Loan Payment.pdf
│   │   ├── Loans.pdf
│   │   ├── Managing Credit.pdf
│   │   ├── True cost of using a credit card.pdf
│   │   └── Understanding Credit Cards.pdf
│   ├── 4. Automobile Ownership
│   │   ├── Accident Investigation.pdf
│   │   ├── Auto Insurace Lesson.pdf
│   │   ├── Auto Insurance Deductible and Coverage Comparison.pdf
│   │   ├── Auto Insurance.pdf
│   │   ├── Automobile Depreciation.pdf
│   │   ├── Automobile Insurance Lesson Plan and Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── Automobile stopping distance. Driver reaction times.pdf
│   │   ├── Budgeting for Vacation Fuel Expenses.pdf
│   │   ├── Buy and Sell a car with 2 quizzes.pdf
│   │   ├── Car Finder Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Chapter 5-1 Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── Classified Ads.pdf
│   │   ├── Driving Safely Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── exploring the difference between braking distance and total stopping distance.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 5-4 How much does my vehicle really cost LAB.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 5-5 Linear Automobile Depreciation Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 5-5 What is the cost of ownership LAB.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 5-6 Comparing Exponential vs. Linear Decay.pdf
│   │   ├── Foreign vs Domestic Vehicles.pdf
│   │   ├── Graph Frequency Distributions Lesson.pdf
│   │   ├── Graph Frequency Distributions.pdf
│   │   ├── Historical and Exponential Depreciation.pdf
│   │   ├── Linear Automobile Depreciation.pdf
│   │   ├── Road trip Safety First.pdf
│   │   ├── Straight Line Depreciation.pdf
│   │   ├── Used Car Mayhem!.pdf
│   │   └── Vehicle Purchase Lab Handout.pdf
│   ├── 5. Employment Basics
│   │   ├── Calculating weekly, bi-weekly, semi-weekly paychecks 6-2.pdf
│   │   ├── Chapter 5 Employment Basics.pdf
│   │   ├── Commissions, Royalties & Piecework pay.pdf
│   │   ├── employment basics.pdf
│   │   ├── Employment Salaries.pdf
│   │   ├── FA Chapter 6-4 Vocabulary Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── Piecewise Functions.pdf
│   │   ├── Proportions and Cookies!.pdf
│   │   ├── Social Security and Medicare.pdf
│   │   ├── Student Height Pension Calculation.pdf
│   │   └── What_s left after Uncle Sam gets his share.pdf
│   ├── 6. Income Taxes
│   │   ├── Completing a 1040.pdf
│   │   └── Tax Tables, Worksheets and Schedules.pdf
│   ├── 7. Independent Living
│   │   ├── Amortization Lab Analysis.pdf
│   │   ├── Best Bang for My Buck.pdf
│   │   ├── Calculating Sq. footage, perimeter, and cost in a floor plan.pdf
│   │   ├── Correlation Between Apartment Square Footage and Cost.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 8-1 Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── Finding a Place to Live.pdf
│   │   ├── Independent Living.pdf
│   │   ├── Mortgage Application Process.pdf
│   │   ├── My First Apartment.pdf
│   │   ├── Purchase a Home.pdf
│   │   ├── Reading a Floor Plan both regular and irregular shapes.pdf
│   │   ├── Up Front Home Purchase Costs.pdf
│   │   └── Why Would I Want to Use Discount Points.pdf
│   ├── 8. The Stock Market
│   │   ├── FA 1.1 Business Organization.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 1.2 Stock Market Data.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 1.3 Stock Market Data Charts.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 1.4 Simple Moving Averages.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 1.5 Stock Market Ticker.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 1.6 Stock Transactions.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 1.7 Stock Transaction Fees.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 1.8 Lesson Plan Stock Splits.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 1.8 Stock Splits.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 1.9 Dividend Income.pdf
│   │   ├── Stock Market Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Stock Market Net Proceeds.pdf
│   │   └── What Is A Stock.pdf
│   │   └── 9. Modeling a Business
│   │   ├── Breakeven Analysis.pdf
│   │   ├── FA 1.1 Business Organization.pdf
│   │   ├── Food Truck lesson and lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Graphs of Expenses and Revenue Functions.pdf
│ ├── How to Make a Million Dollars.pdf
│ ├── Mathematically Modeling a Business.pdf
│ └── The Profit Equation.pdf
│   ├── 10. Planning for Retirement
│   │   ├── BUY YOUR LIFE BACK Pensions Lab.pdf
│   │   └── The Retirement Pool.pdf
│   ├── 11. Prepare a Budget
│   │   ├── Calculating Net Worth.pdf
│   │   ├── Cash Flow and Budgeting.pdf
│   │   ├── cash flow chart.pdf
│   │   ├── Charting A Budget Lesson and Quiz.pdf
│   │   ├── Charting A Budget.pdf
│   │   ├── Charting your Budget.pdf
│   │   ├── Electronic Utilities Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Electronic Utilities.pdf
│   │   ├── Electronic Utility Choices.pdf
│   │   ├── Prepare a Budget.pdf
│   │   ├── Utility Expenses.pdf
│   │   ├── Utility Related Costs.pdf
│   │   └── Visualize and interpret a budget.pdf
├── FinancialAlgebraLabs-241207.zip
│   ├── analaize-graph.pdf
│   ├── dot1-11-11.png
│   ├── dot-11-11.pdf
│   ├── drawing.svg
│   ├── graph60-80.pdf
│   ├── graph60-90.pdf
│   ├── radial.pdf
│   ├── radial-xy.pdf
│   ├── svg-files
│   │   ├── analaize-graph.svg
│   │   ├── dot1-11-11.svg
│   │   ├── graph60-80.svg
│   │   ├── graph60-90.svg
│   │   ├── radial.svg
│   │   ├── radial-xy.svg
│   │   ├── unit1-radial.svg
│   │   ├── unit2-radial.svg
│   │   ├── unit3-radial.svg
│   │   └── unit4-radial.svg
│   ├── unit1-radial.pdf
│   ├── unit2-radial.pdf
│   ├── unit3-radial.pdf
│   └── unit4-radial.pdf
├── index.php
├── Labs
│   ├── 2018 WAMC Lesson Plan for Building Geodesic Domes.docx
│   ├── 2018 WAMC Opening Lab Building Geodesic Domes.docx
│   ├── 2-D Shapes
│   │   ├── Area of a Rectangle.pdf
│   │   ├── circles, arc length.pdf
│   │   ├── circumference lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Cross Sections.pdf
│   │   ├── Determining Board Feet.pdf
│   │   ├── Drywall order.pdf
│   │   ├── Geometric Constructions.pdf
│   │   ├── Interior Angle Sums.pdf
│   │   ├── Lab_2D_Shapes_Scavenger_Hunt.pdf
│   │   ├── Motel Remodel.pdf
│   │   ├── Paint the Classroom.pdf
│   │   ├── Perimeter and Area Basketball Court.pdf
│   │   ├── Quadrilateral Property Discovery.pdf
│   │   ├── Run Around.pdf
│   │   ├── Safe Work Zone Area.pdf
│   │   ├── Stick It to Em.pdf
│   │   ├── Surface Area and Nets.pdf
│   │   ├── Triangle Popsicle Sticks.pdf
│   │   └── Walk the Solar System.pdf
│   ├── 3-D Shapes
│   │   ├── 3-dimension, modeling.pdf
│   │   ├── Build a Canoe.pdf
│   │   ├── Comparing Volume Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Covert PEMDAS Operations.pdf
│   │   ├── Cross Section Lab Wkst.pdf
│   │   ├── Cube Construction.pdf
│   │   ├── Cylinder Volume.pdf
│   │   ├── Density.pdf
│   │   ├── Flow Rate Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Geodesic Dome Lesson Plan.pdf
│   │   ├── Geodesic Done Lab Sheet.pdf
│   │   ├── geometric dimension, modeling using concrete.pdf
│   │   ├── geometric measurement,dimensions,modeling.pdf
│   │   ├── Measuring volume of cans.pdf
│   │   ├── Origami Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Potting Soil.pdf
│   │   ├── Room Remodel.pdf
│   │   ├── Septic Tank.pdf
│   │   ├── Soup Can.pdf
│   │   ├── Soup's On.pdf
│   │   ├── Spheres.pdf
│   │   ├── To the Trees.pdf
│   │   ├── toy city.pdf
│   │   ├── Volume Measuring.pdf
│   │   ├── Water Bead Activity.pdf
│   │   └── Will It Float.pdf
│   ├── Data
│   │   ├── Bar Graph Temperature.pdf
│   │   ├── Bridge Project.pdf
│   │   ├── Comparing Plant Growth.pdf
│   │   ├── Count It Out - Adaptive Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Drive-Thru Nutrition.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating.pdf
│   │   ├── Grass Data Collection.pdf
│   │   ├── Height vs Shoe Length Lab - WM.pdf
│   │   ├── Letters in a Name.pdf
│   │   ├── Marines.pdf
│   │   ├── Pig Out.pdf
│   │   ├── Scatter plot.pdf
│   │   ├── Tic Toc Data.pdf
│   │   ├── Wall coverings.pdf
│   │   └── Working with Charts and Data.pdf
│   ├── Estimating
│   │   ├── A Classroom Full of Water.pdf
│   │   ├── Are Your Prices Right.pdf
│   │   ├── barbie lab.pdf
│   │   ├── BBQ CALCULATION.pdf
│   │   ├── bean counter.pdf
│   │   ├── Bidding a Job.pdf
│   │   ├── Bleacher Capacity.pdf
│   │   ├── Classroom Size.pdf
│   │   ├── Counting Trees toothpick lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Drinking Pop Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimate Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating 2.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating Answers.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating distance and square footage.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating Distances.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating M&Ms Lab Data Collection Test.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating Prescriptions - McGrew.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating with Jelly Beans.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimation Jar.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimation Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimation.pdf
│   │   ├── Finding the right size shirt is a pain in the neck.pdf
│   │   ├── Food Order.pdf
│   │   ├── Get A Life.pdf
│   │   ├── Hallway Rush.pdf
│   │   ├── House Painters.pdf
│   │   ├── Lemon Power Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Making a Quilt Block.pdf
│   │   ├── Mentos Madness.pdf
│   │   ├── Mileage.pdf
│   │   ├── M&M Estimates.pdf
│   │   ├── Party Time.pdf
│   │   ├── Penny Stack Estimating.pdf
│   │   ├── PIZZA,PIZZA.pdf
│   │   ├── Puzzle Lab Marines.pdf
│   │   ├── Shopping Spree.pdf
│   │   ├── Stud layout lab.pdf
│   │   ├── The Bus Garage.pdf
│   │   └── Who Wants Breakfast.pdf
│   ├── Factoring and Quadratics
│   │   ├── Area of a Picture as Quadratic.pdf
│   │   ├── Area of a Window.pdf
│   │   ├── Basket Ball Shot.pdf
│   │   ├── Bouncing Balls Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Connect Four Factors.pdf
│   │   ├── creating an equation of a quadratic using a vertex and point.pdf
│   │   ├── Factoring Match.pdf
│   │   ├── How High Can You Throw.pdf
│   │   ├── Maximizing Area.pdf
│   │   ├── Measure wall.pdf
│   │   ├── Movement Poster.pdf
│   │   ├── Polynomials Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── projectile motion graphs.pdf
│   │   ├── Quadratic Home Run.pdf
│   │   ├── Quadratic Selfies.pdf
│   │   ├── Radioactive Decay.pdf
│   │   ├── Rectangles with Given Perimeter.pdf
│   │   ├── Starburst Snacks.pdf
│   │   ├── The Drinking Fountain.pdf
│   │   ├── The Wave Lab.pdf
│   │   └── Tiling the Bathroom Floor.pdf
│   ├── Functions, Formulas and Expressions
│   │   ├── Airplane Matching.pdf
│   │   ├── Bungee Jumper.pdf
│   │   ├── Car Ramp Lesson.pdf
│   │   ├── Covert PEMDAS operations.pdf
│   │   ├── Exponential Tennis.pdf
│   │   ├── Fencing a Yard.pdf
│   │   ├── Frame It.pdf
│   │   ├── Function Machines.pdf
│   │   ├── Hotshot.pdf
│   │   ├── How Slow Can You Go.pdf
│   │   ├── Introduction to Functions.pdf
│   │   ├── Investments & Compound Interest.pdf
│   │   ├── Lamborghini Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Life is a Highway.pdf
│   │   ├── Paint Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Principal, Rate, Time.pdf
│   │   ├── Racing Formulas.pdf
│   │   ├── Rates.pdf
│   │   ├── Return on Investment.pdf
│   │   ├── School Zone.pdf
│   │   ├── Set the Line.pdf
│   │   ├── Solar Car Races Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Soup Can Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Spaghetti Bridge Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Spaghetti Dinner.pdf
│   │   ├── Sphere Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── The Bouncing Ball Function.pdf
│   │   ├── The Numbers Speak to me.pdf
│   │   ├── The reasonable vaycay.pdf
│   │   ├── To Buy or Not to Buy.pdf
│   │   ├── Variable Dice.pdf
│   │   ├── Volume of Water Tank.pdf
│   │   ├── Whats the Dosage.pdf
│   │   ├── Who is Responding.pdf
│   │   └── Your Power Walking Speed.pdf
│   ├── Geometric Transformations
│   │   ├── Four Square Transformations.pdf
│   │   ├── Patty Paper Transformations.pdf
│   │   ├── Picture Perfect Dilations.pdf
│   │   └── Triangle Dance.pdf
│   ├── Graphing Data
│   │   ├── Balloon math.pdf
│   │   ├── Basketball Bounce.pdf
│   │   ├── Basketball Graphing Data.pdf
│   │   ├── Battleship.pdf
│   │   ├── Car Economy.pdf
│   │   ├── Century of School Enrollment.pdf
│   │   ├── Data puzzle.pdf
│   │   ├── Eye Spy.pdf
│   │   ├── Flight graphing.pdf
│   │   ├── Graphic T-Shirt.pdf
│   │   ├── Graphing Data with Stock Market.pdf
│   │   ├── Graphing the Bouncing Ball.pdf
│   │   ├── Materials List for Rocket Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Paper Airplanes Can Fly.pdf
│   │   ├── phase changes lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Rising Prices and You.pdf
│   │   ├── Shoe-Height Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Spaghetti Lines.pdf
│   │   ├── Stained graph paper lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Stairways.pdf
│   │   ├── Stomp Rocket Instruction and Data Collection.pdf
│   │   └── Understanding Slope and Linear Equations.pdf
│   ├── Linear Equations and Inequalities
│   │   ├── ADA Inequalities.pdf
│   │   ├── Balance Tilt.pdf
│   │   ├── Balancing Equations.pdf
│   │   ├── Basketball Shooting.pdf
│   │   ├── Basket Ball Shot.pdf
│   │   ├── Battleship Mine.pdf
│   │   ├── Bouncing Balls Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Building Simple Equations.pdf
│   │   ├── Cemetary project.pdf
│   │   ├── Centimeters and Inches.pdf
│   │   ├── Creating Equations Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Direct Variation in electrical relationships.pdf
│   │   ├── Dissolved Oxygen Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Equation Solving Royal Rumble.pdf
│   │   ├── Finding the Volume and Height of Various Cylinders.pdf
│   │   ├── Find the Line.pdf
│   │   ├── Follow the Bouncing Ball.pdf
│   │   ├── Food Truck.pdf
│   │   ├── Graphing Linear Equations.pdf
│   │   ├── Grocery Store Inequalities.pdf
│   │   ├── Gulf Oil Spill Rate of Absorption.pdf
│   │   ├── Height vs Shoe Length Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Hybrid Cars.pdf
│   │   ├── Inequality lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Life is a Highway.pdf
│   │   ├── Linear Bungee Jumping.pdf
│   │   ├── linear equations.pdf
│   │   ├── Linear Equations, simultaneous linear equations.pdf
│   │   ├── line of best fit, functions.pdf
│   │   ├── Lines and Equations.pdf
│   │   ├── Lost in Translation.pdf
│   │   ├── Make Them Balance.pdf
│   │   ├── Marble Run.pdf
│   │   ├── Measuring inches and centimeters.pdf
│   │   ├── Measuring in Inches and Centimeters.pdf
│   │   ├── Missing Birth date Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Mobile Hanger Balancing Activity.pdf
│   │   ├── Name that Thingy.pdf
│   │   ├── Parking spaces.pdf
│   │   ├── Playground Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Playing Cards.pdf
│   │   ├── polygon angles.pdf
│   │   ├── Ratios in Advertising.pdf
│   │   ├── Royal Rumble Worksheet.pdf
│   │   ├── Sales Forecast.pdf
│   │   ├── School Enrollment.pdf
│   │   ├── Slope.pdf
│   │   ├── Spring Contest.pdf
│   │   ├── Staircase Slope.pdf
│   │   ├── The Great Drought of 2012.pdf
│   │   ├── The WAVE.pdf
│   │   ├── Translating problems into equations.pdf
│   │   └── What Measurement.pdf
│   ├── Lines and Angles
│   │   ├── Angle of Stairs.pdf
│   │   ├── Drawing lines angles Drafting.pdf
│   │   ├── Interior Angle Sums.pdf
│   │   ├── Lattitude Calculations from Angles.pdf
│   │   └── Parallel Line transversal.pdf
│   ├── map_of_labs.html
│   ├── MapOfLabs.txt
│   ├── Measurement
│   │   ├── Air Density.pdf
│   │   ├── a million in one.pdf
│   │   ├── Application to Measuring and Convert to Board ft.pdf
│   │   ├── Area Perimeter.pdf
│   │   ├── Baseball Field.pdf
│   │   ├── bits sizes.pdf
│   │   ├── Block Sizing with Vernier Calipers.pdf
│   │   ├── Board Foot Cost Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Carpeting a Room.pdf
│   │   ├── Contractured Height.pdf
│   │   ├── Convert Ft to In.pdf
│   │   ├── Creating Conversion Ratios.pdf
│   │   ├── Dimensioning Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── DIY Vernier.pdf
│   │   ├── Faster Than A Cheetah.pdf
│   │   ├── Fill the Flower Pot.pdf
│   │   ├── Flight graphing lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Floor Tile Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Fraction Jump Rope.pdf
│   │   ├── Golf 2010.pdf
│   │   ├── How much water does it take to grow an apple.pdf
│   │   ├── How Tall Are You.pdf
│   │   ├── How to read an inch with various tools.pdf
│   │   ├── I Measure.pdf
│   │   ├── Making Chocolate Chip Cookies.pdf
│   │   ├── Map Reading.pdf
│   │   ├── Measurement Carpet.pdf
│   │   ├── Measurement Dash.pdf
│   │   ├── Measurement Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Measurement Madness.pdf
│   │   ├── Measure Volume.pdf
│   │   ├── Measuring Areas.pdf
│   │   ├── Measuring Food.pdf
│   │   ├── measuring fractions.pdf
│   │   ├── Measuring inches and centimeters.pdf
│   │   ├── Measuring in Metric and English.pdf
│   │   ├── Measuring Lengths of Rods.pdf
│   │   ├── Measuring Mass and Volume in Metric.pdf
│   │   ├── Measuring Volume.pdf
│   │   ├── Measurmnt_Intro.pdf
│   │   ├── Metric Olympics.pdf
│   │   ├── Million in One.pdf
│   │   ├── Ohms law lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Ratios and Measurements.pdf
│   │   ├── Reading a tape measure lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Rise & Shine Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Temperature Measurement Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── We are going to Whistler to ski or snowboard.pdf
│   │   ├── Weight Management.pdf
│   │   └── Who's Faster.pdf
│   ├── Naming Numbers in Different Ways
│   │   ├── Buying a Car Using Excel Amoritization.pdf
│   │   ├── Finding a Place to Live Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Fraction Mobile Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Genetic Percentages.pdf
│   │   ├── Its a Jolly Day.pdf
│   │   └── The Cookie Test.pdf
│   ├── Non Linear Equations
│   │   ├── Bouncing Balls.pdf
│   │   ├── circles and curves lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Desert Rain Gauge.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating Horizontal Distance.pdf
│   │   ├── Evaluating Non Linear Equations.pdf
│   │   ├── Exponential vs Quadratic vs Linear.pdf
│   │   ├── Folding and M&Ms - Exponential Growth and Decay.pdf
│   │   ├── Function Fountains.pdf
│   │   ├── Functions with BEANS.pdf
│   │   ├── Get your Motor Running.pdf
│   │   ├── Growth of Skittleium.pdf
│   │   ├── M&M exponential decay.pdf
│   │   ├── M&M Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── M&Ms Exponential Growth Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── M&Ms Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Nuclear Decay.pdf
│   │   ├── Radio Active Decay.pdf
│   │   ├── Rat Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── The Ball Bounce.pdf
│   │   └── What's your Sine.pdf
│   ├── Powers and Roots
│   │   ├── compound interest.pdf
│   │   ├── Cooties.pdf
│   │   ├── Exponents Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Exponents.pdf
│   │   ├── Find your perfect match.pdf
│   │   ├── Get Radical.pdf
│   │   ├── Get your Motor Running.pdf
│   │   ├── Learning About Exponents.pdf
│   │   ├── The funny symbol around the number.pdf
│   │   ├── Understanding Rational Exponents By Counting Methods.pdf
│   │   └── Who is Responding.pdf
│   ├── Precision, Accuracy, Tolerance
│   │   ├── Area Island.pdf
│   │   ├── Building Meter Squares.pdf
│   │   ├── Calculating Displacement Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Fastener Measurement Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Geometric Constructions.pdf
│   │   ├── Identify Relevant Data.pdf
│   │   ├── Precision of Measuring Devices.pdf
│   │   ├── Stock Market Game.pdf
│   │   └── Stride Measurement.pdf
│   ├── Probability
│   │   ├── dice lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Dice Rolls.pdf
│   │   ├── M and M Probability.pdf
│   │   ├── marble grab.pdf
│   │   ├── Pick A Coin, Any Coin Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Probability and Gaming.pdf
│   │   ├── reason quantitavely.pdf
│   │   └── Texas Hold em Lab.pdf
│   ├── Problem Solving Techniques
│   │   ├── Array Multiplication Review.pdf
│   │   ├── Bulletin Board Fun.pdf
│   │   ├── Buying a New Fridge.pdf
│   │   ├── Cell Phone Fundraiser.pdf
│   │   ├── CO2 Cars.pdf
│   │   ├── Cost of Living.pdf
│   │   ├── Die Hard Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Display Case Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── FireCode.pdf
│   │   ├── Gingerbread House.pdf
│   │   ├── Globe Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Graduation Credits.pdf
│   │   ├── gross, net pay, take-home pay, pay stub.pdf
│   │   ├── Harvest Time.pdf
│   │   ├── Living Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── MoreSeating.pdf
│   │   ├── My iPod is Bigger than Your iPod.pdf
│   │   ├── No Breakage.pdf
│   │   ├── overcrowding issues.pdf
│   │   ├── Painting a House.pdf
│   │   ├── Paper Span Bridge.pdf
│   │   ├── PaperTower.pdf
│   │   ├── PAPER TOWER.pdf
│   │   ├── PC Video.pdf
│   │   ├── personal budgeting.pdf
│   │   ├── ProblemSolvingProcess.pdf
│   │   ├── Problem Solving with a model.pdf
│   │   ├── quilt lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Roofing lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Save our Programs.pdf
│   │   ├── Snack Time.pdf
│   │   ├── Spaghetti Bridge.pdf
│   │   ├── Spaghetti Towers.pdf
│   │   ├── starting an apprenticeship.pdf
│   │   ├── Stick It Stack.pdf
│   │   ├── Tiling a Kitchen Island.pdf
│   │   ├── tower lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Volume and Surface area.pdf
│   │   ├── Water Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── What's in a Gallon.pdf
│   │   ├── Wood Duck Box.pdf
│   │   └── Writing Algorithms.pdf
│   ├── Ratio and Proportion
│   │   ├── Adjusting Recipes.pdf
│   │   ├── Area and Drawing of a Room.pdf
│   │   ├── Automotive Ratios.pdf
│   │   ├── Better Binary Wars.pdf
│   │   ├── Calculating Ratios.pdf
│   │   ├── Calories in vs. Calories out.pdf
│   │   ├── Cookie Bake.pdf
│   │   ├── Cooking with Ratios.pdf
│   │   ├── Discount Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Drawing a Proportional You.pdf
│   │   ├── Edible Ratios.pdf
│   │   ├── Estimating Value of Pi.pdf
│   │   ├── Finding Gross Profit.pdf
│   │   ├── Finding Pi.pdf
│   │   ├── Fish Counting.pdf
│   │   ├── Food Prep from Ratios and Proportions.pdf
│   │   ├── Football Speed.pdf
│   │   ├── Gear Ratios for Marine Engines.pdf
│   │   ├── How long does it really take to get to class.pdf
│   │   ├── How Tall is the Tree.pdf
│   │   ├── How Vitruvian are you.pdf
│   │   ├── Human Proportions & Scale Drawing.pdf
│   │   ├── If a Tree Falls.pdf
│   │   ├── Jolly Green Giants.pdf
│   │   ├── Lab Chips.pdf
│   │   ├── Lab_Jolly Green Giant.pdf
│   │   ├── Lab Ratios in Advertising.pdf
│   │   ├── Lab Ratios.pdf
│   │   ├── Let's Scale Down Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Little People Rule - Scaling.pdf
│   │   ├── Melting Marshallows.pdf
│   │   ├── Mixed nuts lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Orange Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Pages.pdf
│   │   ├── Picasso.pdf
│   │   ├── Pitch, the ratio of Rise to Run.pdf
│   │   ├── Pressure Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Pyramid Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── quilt color ratio.pdf
│   │   ├── Quilt Color Ratios handout.pdf
│   │   ├── Ratio Lab Body Measurement.pdf
│   │   ├── RATIOS2.pdf
│   │   ├── Ratios PI.pdf
│   │   ├── Roof Ratio Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── R&P B-Ball.pdf
│   │   ├── RunorWalk-Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Scale Drawing Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Scale Drawings.pdf
│   │   ├── Scaling Down your Personal Flag.pdf
│   │   ├── Shadow Ratios.pdf
│   │   ├── Similarity Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Sky Blew Bubble Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── trail mix lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Trail Mix Labs.pdf
│   │   ├── trash can basketball.pdf
│   │   ├── Trusses.pdf
│   │   ├── Using proportion to measure.pdf
│   │   ├── What's your Candy Ratio.pdf
│   │   ├── What's your Sine.pdf
│   │   ├── Wing Span.pdf
│   │   └── Working with Ratios and Proportions.pdf
│   ├── Right Triangles
│   │   ├── center of mass to sheet metal triangles.pdf
│   │   ├── Flag Pole Similar Triangles.pdf
│   │   ├── How Tall Is That.pdf
│   │   ├── Marking a Foundation.pdf
│   │   ├── Mini Trebuchet.pdf
│   │   ├── Outdoor trig.pdf
│   │   ├── Pythagorean expansion.pdf
│   │   ├── Pythagorean Theorem Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── PythagoreanTheoremProof.pdf
│   │   ├── Pythagorean Walkabout.pdf
│   │   ├── Pythegorean Therom Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Right Angle Ropes.pdf
│   │   ├── Right Triangles of the Special Kind.pdf
│   │   ├── square house lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Triangle sum conjecture.pdf
│   │   └── Where's the Sun.pdf
│   ├── Scale Drawing
│   │   ├── Bathroom Remodel.pdf
│   │   ├── Designing a Pet House.pdf
│   │   ├── Human Proportions & Scale Drawing.pdf
│   │   ├── parking lot scale drawing completion lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Parking lot scale drawing completion.pdf
│   │   ├── Planet Speed 2.2.pdf
│   │   └── Reading and Making Scale Drawings.pdf
│   ├── Scientific Notation
│   │   ├── Average Cost of fuel.pdf
│   │   ├── Brown Bag Lake.pdf
│   │   ├── Concrete Estimation and Construction.pdf
│   │   ├── Lab Planet Speed 2.2.pdf
│   │   ├── Measurement with Significant Figures.pdf
│   │   ├── Phone Book Population.pdf
│   │   ├── POPULATION.pdf
│   │   ├── Power Calculations.pdf
│   │   ├── Scientific Notation Activity.pdf
│   │   ├── Solar System.pdf
│   │   ├── Volume Comparison.pdf
│   │   ├── Wet acre.pdf
│   │   ├── Wrapping Boxes.pdf
│   │   └── you can dig it.pdf
│   ├── Signed Numbers and Vectors
│   │   ├── Absolute Value.pdf
│   │   ├── Absolute Values.pdf
│   │   ├── Average Physical Traits.pdf
│   │   ├── Counting Calories with Signed Numbers.pdf
│   │   ├── Crab Walk Vectors.pdf
│   │   ├── Fidget Spinner Challenge.pdf
│   │   ├── From Here to Pysht.pdf
│   │   ├── Lab Pull Crate.pdf
│   │   ├── Mass displacemant.pdf
│   │   ├── Money Value Signed Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Oh the places you'll go.pdf
│   │   ├── Penny Drop Signed Numbers.pdf
│   │   ├── Pulse Rates.pdf
│   │   ├── Pulse Your Number Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── sit reach.pdf
│   │   ├── Understanding and Applying Positive and Negative Integers.pdf
│   │   ├── Vector Map.pdf
│   │   ├── vectors.pdf
│   │   ├── Water Bottle Rockets.pdf
│   │   └── Worlds Tallest Golf Tee.pdf
│   ├── Statistics
│   │   ├── Catapult Challenge.pdf
│   │   ├── Comparing Pulse Rates.pdf
│   │   ├── Curving a Test.pdf
│   │   ├── Data that Makes a Line.pdf
│   │   ├── Exploring the Stomp Rocket with Descriptive Stats.pdf
│   │   ├── hammering nails.pdf
│   │   ├── Linear Transformations.pdf
│   │   ├── lines lab.pdf
│   │   ├── M&M statistics.pdf
│   │   ├── Paper Gliders.pdf
│   │   ├── Pulse Rates.pdf
│   │   ├── Scatter Plots and the Human Body Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Standard Deviation 1 of 2.pdf
│   │   ├── Standard Deviation.pdf
│   │   ├── Statistics Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── stats b-ball.pdf
│   │   ├── test curve.pdf
│   │   ├── tire pressure.pdf
│   │   ├── Utilities PayPal.pdf
│   │   ├── We've Got You Pegged.pdf
│   │   └── What's Your Standing.pdf
│   ├── Systems of Equations
│   │   ├── More Systems of Equations.pdf
│   │   ├── Search and Rescue.pdf
│   │   ├── Systems Battleship Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Systems Battleship.pdf
│   │   ├── Systems of Equations.pdf
│   │   ├── Systems of Equations Word Problems.pdf
│   │   └── Unmixing a Mixture.pdf
│   ├── Trigonometric Functions
│   │   ├── Clinometer Activity.pdf
│   │   ├── Discover the Unit Circle.pdf
│   │   ├── Finding Distance Indirectly.pdf
│   │   ├── Slinky Lab.pdf
│   │   ├── Soccer Goals.pdf
│   │   ├── Stomp Rockets.pdf
│   │   ├── Tree Heights.pdf
│   │   ├── trigomertric ratios,volume formulas.pdf
│   │   ├── Where is the Fire.pdf
│   │   └── Work Smarter Not Harder.pdf
│   └── Using Graphs, Charts and Tables
│       ├── Estimating Age.pdf
│       ├── Graphing Cents-a stretching experience.pdf
│       ├── Haruko's Hexagons.pdf
│       ├── Mark Ups and Mark Downs.pdf
│       └── Movie Money.pdf
├── Labs.zip
├── map11.html
├── map_of_labs.html
├── mapout.html
├── out10.html
├── out.html
├── Standards
│   ├── Algebra-Geometry Overlapping Standards.doc
│   ├── CCSS-M additional resources.doc
│   ├── ELA Standards.pdf
│   ├── Financial Standards.pdf
│   ├── Math_Standards.pdf
│   └── Rubric for Standards for Mathematical Practice.pdf
├── Standards.zip
├── Templates
│   ├── 2018 WAMC Lab Template.doc
│   ├── 2018 WAMC Lesson PlanTemplate.doc
│   ├── Old Standards Planning Form.docx
│   ├── Standards Planning Form.docx
│   ├── WAMC Lab Template.doc
│   └── WAMC Lesson PlanTemplate.doc
├── Templates.zip
├── Vocabulary
│   ├── Finanacial Algebra Vocabulary.xlsx
│   ├── MathAssessmentVocabulary.xls
│   ├── Vocabulary Algebra 1.pdf
│   └── Vocabulary Geometry.pdf
└── Vocabulary.zip

46 directories, 787 files